It’s not an NBA offseason if there isn’t at least one Ben Simmons workout video that makes the rounds on social media.
Simmons recently trained with renowned trainer Chris Brickley at The Summit fitness center in New York City. A clip of the workout was posted on X.
In the video, the Brooklyn Nets forward was seen draining long-range bombs and turnaround jump shots. As per usual, Simmons was draining deep shots with full confidence in front of zero defenders.

BEN SIMMONS IN THE LAB 🔥 @Cbrickley603
— Overtime (@overtime) September 17, 2024
Fans have seen this song and dance before. Simmons has looked elite in his offseason workouts in the past but has yet to have his training translate to the NBA regular season. Several fans dunked on Simmons on X for being “in the lab” for what feels like half a decade now.
He’s been in the lab for 6 years
— The Staggie Man (@thestaggieman) September 17, 2024
Lab All-Star.
— Cam Thomas Muse (@MuseCamThomas) September 17, 2024
There’s a video of this every year man😭
— 𝙄𝙘𝙚 𝙏𝙧𝙚𝙮 ™ (@IceTrey8_) September 17, 2024
3x Off-season Training MVP
— DUFFY ♒️ (@DuffyBag5) September 17, 2024
Ben Simmons always shoots like curry during the summer then does nun regular season
— GG Era (@ClipNation74) September 17, 2024
It would’ve been interesting to see the misses as well as the makes. Given how poorly Simmons has shot throughout his career, there were probably plenty of missed shots.
Simmons has fallen off badly since his last All-Star appearance in 2021. The 28-year-old has played in just 57 games over the last three seasons. During that span, Simmons averaged 6.1 points, 7.9 rebounds, and 5.7 assists for the Nets with not even a single three-pointer made.