The LeBron James hair debate is back. There have been numerous times throughout LeBron’s NBA career that people have wondered if he had a hair transplant of some sort or underwent a surgical procedure. That speculation has returned this week after photos surfaced that feature King James sporting a hairline that appears to be fully intact.
The photo below was taken on Tuesday. If you compare it to the picture you see above, it sure looks like LeBron’s hairline has filled in nicely.

LeBron James' hair has grown back, apparently http://t.co/pKLLwKGjc5 #DidLeBronJames pic.twitter.com/PfLsjbhPHL
— @TheBuzzer (@TheBuzzerOnFOX) September 17, 2014
To make matters more interesting, Deadspin rounded up a series of photos from the last month where LeBron was wearing a hat during public appearances. Some have wondered if that means he was hiding scars or new plugs. The problem is that we have been here before — many times. We thought LeBron may have gotten hair plugs two years ago only to see him arrive at Miami Heat camp with hair that was as thin as ever.
And how do you explain this photo, which was taken during the NBA playoffs back in May?
Valid question RT @krazykris45: Did @KingJames get a hair transplant? RT @cjzero: LeBron and Dwyane Wade podium game pic.twitter.com/R1QQyChtqO
— Kim Fischer (@ABC4Kim) May 27, 2014
LeBron’s hairline looked pretty good then, and that was four months ago. My guess is it depends on the haircut. When LeBron’s hair is freshly trimmed, it probably makes his receding hairline more noticeable. I’m sure he’ll be making fun of his own baldness again at some point in the near future.