Stephen Curry is a two-time NBA MVP who has clearly mastered the art of playing basketball, and he is looking to pass on some of his knowledge to amateur players. However, the Golden State Warriors star will not be taking the traditional basketball camp approach.
Curry has partnered with MasterClass, an online education forum in which experts teach courses in their respective fields. He’ll be teaching a class that begins early next year.
“If I think about where I was when I was 13, if I had access to this type of curriculum, I would have been a much better player faster,” Curry told ESPN’s Chris Haynes. “It took me a while to learn how to practice and do the drills the right way. I want people to see how I invest in my game, how I train, what I do in my workouts and what’s my mental approach. So, when the opportunity with Masterclass came about to put a class together where I can show people my unique way of playing this game, it was natural fit. The goal is for everybody to get better and enjoy basketball more. I want them to push and challenge themselves and hopefully they see the game differently.”

Curry is the first basketball player to work with MasterClass. Courses that were taught in the past and are currently being offered have been led by women’s tennis star Serena Williams, chef Gordon Ramsay, pop icon Christina Aguilera, actor/comedian Steve Martin and many more.
Through passing his skills and training methods to others, Curry believes his game can also benefit.
“I get to assess my own game and see what I could have done better like when I get into a pick-and-roll situation, or a situation where I have to make quick decisions, you can freeze at that moment and explain everything that can possibly happen with all the different outcomes and why I chose to do what I did, versus what I could have done better,” he said. “I think hearing that from my perspective should be pretty interesting to people who either watch our games, or just play basketball themselves.”
The enrollment fee for an individual course with MasterClass is $90, and $180 gives users unlimited access to all of the courses taught by professionals and experts. Curry said one of the things he hopes to convey is how much time and preparation has gone into his style of play.
“There’s a progression to everything that I do,” he said. “So, if you watch our games and you see the way that I play and you don’t know what goes into the work behind it, then you might obviously have that opinion that if you want to play like Steph, you just show up to the court, shoot 40-footers or shoot off of one foot, try all these crazy dribble moves and that’s how you play. But, there is an education about just how much time I put into what I do.”
Between Curry’s online course and the new business venture his wife Ayesha has embarked on, the Currys have much more to offer than just entertainment.