Remember Juan Jose Padilla? He’s the matador who was gored in the face five months ago and lost an eye. The bull’s horn went through his chin and out his eye, causing him to lose the eye. Padilla now sports an eye patch, speaks with a lisp, and has paralysis in the left part of his face, but all that did not stop him from returning to bullfighting over the weekend.
Padilla performed in the town of Olivenza in front of a packed house Sunday. He killed both bulls he faced and was awarded with two ears to commemorate his feat. He was given a standing ovation and carried out of the ring on the shoulders of the other fighters.
Sure he’s celebrated, and his foolish bravery must be recognized, but one has to wonder if Padilla’s only goal is to die in the ring. The guy already lost part of his face and continues to face bulls with two-dimensional vision. That can’t be a good idea.