Bowling Green is preparing for the upcoming NCAA football season like hundreds of other teams across the nation, but the Falcons are warming up a bit differently than most other squads. We know this because we highly doubt there are many sports information directors out there who are willing to allow a 280-pound defensive lineman to lay them out.
As you can see from the video above, Bowling Green Sports Information Director Dave Meyer volunteered to take a crushing hit from senior defensive tackle Ted Ouellet.
“I’m really hoping Ted doesn’t get hurt bouncing off of me like that,” Meyer joked before leaving his life in Ouellet’s hands. “When I came up with this idea a month ago it made a lot of sense so we’ll see how this goes. I kissed my kids goodbye when I left the house this morning and my heart hurts right now.”
Here’s the monstrous hit in GIF form:

At least he didn’t volunteer to catch a pass over the middle. The good news is he managed to keep his helmet on his head unlike this Michigan running back last season. Low blow? Low blow.
H/T USA Today