Apparently this is now the cool thing to do. Once a recruit decides on a school they plan to attend, they are no longer flattered that other schools were interested in offering them a scholarship. Those “other” school instantly become the enemy. And what do we do to the enemies’ letters? We burn them. As you can see from the photo above, high school recruit Brayden Kearsley recently decided he is going to attend BYU so he burned the letter from rival school Utah.
“I hope the rivalry game don’t end….” he captioned the Instagram photo. “I wanna whoop the #Yewts asses!”
Last month a Michigan recruit created a firestorm of backlash when he burned a letter from Ohio State, and Michigan doesn’t have the famous honor code that BYU students are supposed to live by. Is burning a letter and swearing on social media a violation of the BYU honor code? Something tells me Kearsley violated something.
Thanks to SB Nation via Throw the Flag