Fan Offering Cam Newton 1 Million Dollars to Pass Lie Detector Test
Cam Newton is preparing to be drafted this coming week and could very well end up as the top overall pick. He’s been scrutinized and criticized by draft analysts, and much of it is deserved.
Newton left Florida after stealing a laptop, reportedly was involved in academic cheating, and then he was shopped by his father to different colleges before he signed with Auburn. Cam never missed a game for Auburn because the NCAA determined he didn’t know his father was soliciting money. Try to hold your laughs.
Apparently there are still several fans who think the whole situation and NCAA reasoning is garbage, and one is on a mission to prove it. Clay Travis shared the news that a fan launched a website called Cam Newton Lie Detector. The fan who started the site is offering $1 million to Cam if he can pass a lie detector test by honestly answering “no” to these four questions:
1. Prior to signing with Auburn, were you aware your father was “shopping” you to Mississippi State or any other school?
2. Did you tell Dan or Meghan Mullen that you signed with Auburn because of the money because you truly believed Auburn had paid for your commitment?
3. Did anyone on the Auburn coaching staff/athletic department instruct you how to answer questions from the NCAA by lying or avoiding the truth?
4. Did you or your family ever receive any impermissible benefits from Auburn?
Cam Newton’s about to sign for $30 million guaranteed, so taking one million to relive this whole college pay-for-play mess is not worth his time. Nothing will happen with this case unless the NCAA decides to proceed with a serious investigation.
Truthfully, all this shows us is how upset fans still are over the absurdity regarding the situation. The NCAA acknowledged that Cecil Newton shopped his son to schools yet they didn’t hold Cam or Auburn accountable. Their handling of the situation is as embarrassing as their fumbling of the Ohio State penalties. Even if Cam didn’t know his father shopped him, which is doubtful, he should still have been held accountable for it.
Phone calls and emails to the address and number listed on the site have gone unreturned.