A Michigan man arrested on drunken driving charges two weekends ago said the Wolverines’ pathetic performance against Michigan State led to him getting smashed. True story.
The Dearborn Press & Guide says a 25-year-old man who was super drunk and had urinated himself, was arrested by police around 2:30 a.m. on Nov. 3, not too long after Michigan lost 29-6 at Michigan State. Officers were called after an employee said he saw a car parked for 90 minutes. Officers found the man with his head on his arm. He was asleep and they had to reach in and turn off the ignition.
The Press & Guide also provide this description:

The man appeared confused and disoriented. His speech was slurred, his eyes were watery and bloodshot and he smelled of alcohol. He said he was “drunk,” he had “a lot” of alcohol and urinated on himself.
The guy’s BAC was 0.24 percent. That’s not too far off from Vodka Samm, who blew a .341. The guy told police he was driven to drink by Michigan’s terrible game. He also complained about offensive coordinator Al Borges’ (pictured) play-calling, which resulted in -48 yards rushing. This dude is a hardcore fan, man.
Helmet smack to Deadspin