Buffalo Bills legend Andre Reed is not happy with some of the current story lines in the NFL. The Hall of Fame wide receiver was recently interviewed for this week’s edition of New York Magazine, and he offered some very colorful takes on Jon Bon Jovi and Johnny Manziel. We’ll start with the former.
Bon Jovi is rumored to be interested in buying the Bills. And if the famous rock star can put together the group that makes the winning bid, he might move the Bills to Toronto. Take it away, Andre.
“Man, f— Bon Jovi!” Reed told New York Magazine’s Reeves Wiedeman. “You might as well just take this city, throw it in the river, and let it go down Niagara Falls.”

Reed’s opinion is one that is shared by all diehard Bills fans and many NFL purists. However, he did later admit that Toronto is a fun city and concede that he would remain connected to a Bills team in Toronto “if they paid me.”
“Now, I ain’t gonna lie to you,” Reed said. “One year I went up to Toronto, and man, I had a good-ass time up there.”
Wiedeman’s conversation with Reed got even more animated from there. It just so happened that the interview took place on the day LeBron James announced he was returning to Cleveland. When ESPN showed Manziel’s tweet congratulating LeBron and referring to him as “my guy,” Reed went off on the former Heisman Trophy winner.
“Who the f— is Johnny Manziel?” he asked. “LeBron ain’t your guy! You’re not ‘Johnny Football.’ You’re ‘Johnny Rookie B–ch.’”
Would Bills fans have been excited if their team drafted Manziel? Not a chance, says Reed.
“They’d boo that motherf—er outta here,” he said. “The fans would put him in his place.”
We all know that isn’t true, as all fans tend to get excited when their team drafts a Heisman-winning quarterback. That said, it’s obvious Reed cares a great deal about the team he spent 15 seasons with. I wouldn’t dare question his loyalty.
H/T Extra Mustard