In the wake of all the trouble Aqib Talib has caused for himself since coming into the NFL, we’re glad to see he is working to clean up his image. Instead of getting into fights with teammates or assaulting cab drivers, Talib has turned his attention to making guest appearances at parties that everyone is more than welcome to attend. Making a name for himself in the community by attending events could be a great way for Aqib to change the opinion of some of his critics. Wait, the event he’s a spokesman for is a Halloween party called the “Coon-O-Ween?” Never mind, scratch all that.

What a moron. How a person could actually go through with something like that amazes me. Not only that, but the promotion you see above was featured in the Florida Sentinel Bulletin in Tampa Bay according to Media Take Out. I can’t wait to hear the spin that people try to put on this one by saying there was a raccoon on the flyer and the name has nothing to do with racism. On second thought, it’s Aqib Talib. Why would he even bother? As a side not, “Aquib” is spelled incorrectly, so I suppose his name could have been included without permission. That seems doubtful given his history.
Thanks to Deadspin for pointing out the incredibly ignorant story.