Foster is fourth in the NFL with 1,313 rushing yards, meaning his offensive line has been working hard on the field this season. Now that Foster has decided to buy them all Segways, they won’t have to work as hard off of it. Houston left tackle Duane Brown tweeted the photo you see above on Wednesday with the following message for Foster:
“Shoutout to my dawg Arian Foster hookin the O-Line up with Segways for Christmas!!!”
Tremendous gesture? Absolutely. Original? I’m afraid not. Reggie Bush did the same thing last season for the Miami Dolphins linemen after eclipsing the 1,000-yard rushing mark for the first time in his NFL career. Foster, who is the proud owner of his own Segway, explained the gifts on Thursday.
“I feel like all of them big hogs up front can enjoy the joy that I get from riding my Segway,” Foster said according to the Houston Chronicle. “Guys like Chris Myers and (Duane) Brown and Wade Smith, they’re always getting on me about riding my Segway. ‘You can’t walk? You’re too good to walk?’
“I was like, ‘No, man. I would just rather ride wheels.’ I saw a little jealousy in their eyes when they were talking about me, so I figured I’d get all the linemen a gift. They were very thankful, very grateful. I can’t do anything without them. If there is no them, there is no me.”
Judging by Brown’s reaction, Foster can expect to be able to ride his Segway in peace from now on.