One of the most underrated aspects of the shocking Andrew Luck retirement will be the potential disappearance of one of the best parody Twitter accounts ever created. On Sunday morning, Capt. Andrew Luck said farewell to football.
Of course, the tweet was perfect:
Dearest mother —
The quill has never felt more heavy. I have made the decision to holster my sidearm permanently. I shall battle no more. The decision is difficult, but, as the hogs taught me, I must be true to myself. I am coming home to care for you and the farm.
— Andrew— Capt. Andrew Luck (@CaptAndrewLuck) August 25, 2019

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Capt. Andrew Luck account, it has more than 500,000 followers and portrays Luck like a Civil War hero who writes letters to his mother. Here’s the most recent tweet before the retirement on Sunday morning:
Dearest mother —
We have heard rumblings that Bears may be headed our way. I have ordered all the rations be buried in hopes they are not lured to our camp. I am still not drilling. The sawbones feels I need more time to ensure I am battle ready for the actual campaign.
— Andrew— Capt. Andrew Luck (@CaptAndrewLuck) August 21, 2019
Hopefully, Capt. Andrew Luck will find a way to stick around even with the Colts quarterback no longer playing. We know how Luck feels about the account, so he probably wouldn’t be upset to see it keep going.