While many of his Patriots teammates are laying low preparing for the Super Bowl, Chad Ochocinco was having some fun on Twitter Saturday night.

Ochocinco got a few responses as you could imagine. One person was too far away, but another fan named Brett who goes by the Twitter name “wickedpissa” was just five minutes away and picked him up.

Brett picked up Ochocinco in his Honda Civic and off they went to dinner. It looks like they ate pretty healthy:

Brett says they talked about video games, his family, and Crocs at dinner. After the meal, Chad zinged Brett with a tweet.

Despite the joke, things were all good between them because Brett sent Ochocinco a nice thank you message.

Brett spent the majority of his time after dinner embracing his celebrity status by answering questions on Twitter. As you could imagine, he had nothing but positive things to say.
“The whole experience was awesome and will definitely make for a great story to tell. Especially next weekend,” he wrote.
Between sending followers to playoff games and talking about living with a fan during the preseason, Chad certainly is a master of social media.
Thanks to BSO for sharing the story