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Larry Brown Sports Tagline. Brown Bag it, Baby.
#pounditThursday, December 19, 2024

Jay Cutler gets a ‘kick’ out of the Smokin’ Jay Cutler pictures

For those of you who have yet to experience it, Smokin’ Jay Cutler is one of the funniest bits to hit the internet this year. There’s something about the looks Jay Cutler gives that makes it hilarious to photoshop a cigarette into his mouth. In fact, Cutler himself even agrees.

“I know a few of those guys,” Cutler said on Showtime’s Inside the NFL this week according to Eye on Football. “I get a kick out of that.”

It’s original. It’s hilarious. It rips on Jay Cutler. Who wouldn’t get a kick out of it? If anyone looks like they should have a cigarette in their mouth at all times it’s the guy who swears at his own fans and denies it later. Cutler also talked about how he has decided to clean up his wardrobe a little bit in postgame interviews.

“I’m getting killed on the field with all my other demeanor,” Cutler said. “I thought I’d try to lighten it and go in a different direction off the field. Kristin (Cavallari), my fiancee, is probably going to take credit for most of it. You bring a woman in your life, and a lot of things change.”

One thing we hope never changes is Smokin’ Jay Cutler.


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