Jerry Brown autopsy shows that his blood alcohol level was below the legal limit
While there is nothing an autopsy can reveal that would bring Dallas Cowboys linebacker Jerry Brown back to life, it can help us raise awareness by learning from the mistakes others have made. As you know, Brown was killed in a car accident last month. His teammate, Josh Brent, was driving the car and has been charged with intoxication manslaughter. Brent’s blood alcohol content was reportedly twice the legal limit at the time of the crash.
According to the Dallas Morning News, Brown’s autopsy revealed that his blood alcohol level was actually below the legal limit of 0.08 at the time of the accident. The reading from fluid in Brown’s eye showed that his BAC was 0.079, while the reading directly from his blood showed it was 0.056.
Hindsight will not change what happened, but perhaps Brown should have been the one driving the car that night. It’s a lapse in judgment that Brent, his family and Brown’s family will have to live with, but hopefully we can all learn something from it. There’s no shame in taking the keys from your friend. There’s even less shame in calling a cab.