Justin Timberlake was partially responsible for the biggest Super Bowl halftime scandal of all time when he exposed Janet Jackson’s you-know-what back in 2004, but something he said Thursday may irritate the NFL just as much as that incident did.
In his scheduled press conference in advance of his upcoming halftime performance, Timberlake was asked if he would want his 2-year-old son to follow in his footsteps by getting into the music industry. J.T. ended up talking about how fast his son is, which led to a follow-up question about the boy running routes in the NFL.
He may have been joking, but Timberlake said his son will never play football. The comment can be heard at around the 52-second mark:

ustin Timberlake on his son, Silas, getting into music: "My main objective is that he become a great person, and if he wants to get into the arts or sports then, yeah, I would fully support that." #SuperBowlLII https://t.co/pddVO5fxK5 pic.twitter.com/rMRA8ixCsC
— CBS News (@CBSNews) February 1, 2018
Timberlake wasn’t asked to elaborate, but it would not be a surprise if he was referring to the growing safety concerns associated with football. Heck, even some of the game’s biggest legends have said in recent years that they would want their kids to pick a different sport.
If J.T. was saying he won’t allow his son to play football, he’s not the only one. Still, the remark must have made Roger Goodell cringe.