It is widely believed that Marshawn Lynch could be one of the best backs if the NFL if he finds a way to stay out of trouble. He did just that last season, and it resulted in over 1,200 yards and 12 touchdowns on 285 rushing attempts — the most of his five-year career. Unfortunately, Lynch is back to the whole trouble thing. He was arrested on suspicion of driving while under the influence near Oakland on Saturday.
According to the California Highway Patrol, Lynch was arrested after a traffic stop and taken to Santa Rita Jail. He was reportedly cooperative with officers and submitted to a blood test once he was detained, which revealed that his blood alcohol content was over the legal limit of .08. As you can see from the photo above, Lynch decided to go with the mean mug for his close-up at the station.
In 2008, Lynch had his driver’s license taken away after pleading guilty to “failing to exercise due care toward a pedestrian.” He was suspended for three games in the 2009 season after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor weapons charge. Lynch also had marijuana in his car during the same traffic stop.

Last season, Lynch seemed to be on nothing more than a whole lot of Skittles. Since he is a repeat offender, you have to assume Roger Goodell will suspend the Seahawks running back for the start of the upcoming season. He got three games in 2009, so you can expect the penalty this time around to be at least that many, if not more.
Mug shot via the Mercury News