Michael Floyd was arrested for driving while under the influence last week when police found him passed out behind the wheel of his car. When you hear how much he allegedly drank, you’ll understand why he had trouble staying awake.
According to TMZ, the Scottsdale Police Department says Floyd’s blood alcohol level was .21 when he was arrested. That measurement came after Floyd refused a breathalyzer and a blood test, so police had to obtain a court order to draw his blood. That means a lot of time passed between Floyd being asleep at the wheel and actually having his BAC measured, so it probably went down during that span.
Because his BAC was so high, Floyd is facing additional charges that the state of Arizona has called “Extreme DUI” and “Super Extreme DUI.” For an Extreme DUI, a person’s BAC has to be between .15 and .19. Anything .20 and over is Super Extreme DUI. As TMZ notes, Super Extreme DUI carries a 45-day mandatory jail sentence with a conviction.

In short, Floyd could be in a lot of legal trouble. This is his second DUI, and the state of Arizona is extremely hard on drunk drivers. If you want to see just how intoxicated Floyd was, here’s the video of his arrest:
Floyd was already facing several charges in addition to DUI (read about them here), so his BAC being so high puts him in an even tougher spot. A suspension from the NFL seems almost certain at this point.