Is Pacman Jones up to his old, misbehaving ways?
TMZ reports that the Cincinnati Bengals cornerback was kicked out of Hollywood Casino in Indiana Wednesday morning. The casino would not comment on the situation, but records show a call was made to police close to 1:00 a.m. to report a “disorderly person.” The casino would not say whether Pacman was kicked out, but witnesses supposedly say he was.
Pacman is said to be a regular at the casino and reportedly has been a pain in the behind on numerous occasions.

To be clear: Jones was not arrested and did not break any laws — he was just kicked out of a casino supposedly for his behavior.
Pacman was recently in the news after a state supreme court in Nevada upheld a $12 million verdict in the 2007 strip club shooting he ignited. He was cited for disorderly conduct in 2013, and he was arrested in a separate case for allegedly punching a woman earlier in the year. Some things never change.