Once a flake, apparently always a flake. This guy didn’t work as hard as he could have on the field for the Steelers otherwise he would have been an All-Pro with them. He came over to the Giants and was fined like 50 times and then shot himself in the leg. And apparently in between it all, he skated through taxes and bills, ditching tabs and bouncing checks. From the AP:
It was 2002 when Burress, then playing for the Steelers, hired [Richard] Malin, a home inspector, to look over a house he was buying in suburban Pittsburgh.
When it came time to pay the bill, Burress disappeared. … After a judge ruled against the no-show NFL player, he sent Malin a check for $700.
“I got a note from Plaxico saying, ‘Sorry for the inconvenience. Please inform the court that the judgment has been paid,”’ Malin said. “Then the check bounced.”
The laundry list goes on and on, probably about as long as his list of infractions while with the Giants that resulted in his mounting fines. Charges of reckless driving, public intoxication, car crashes, domestic disputes and tax evasion heads Plaxico’s stellar off-field achievements. He’s racked up thousands in unpaid taxes, mostly on properties he owns. The dude also hit someone in his car and was driving without insurance because he didn’t pay his premium. I understand that Kevin Gilbride’s playbook may put a lot of information in your head and cloud your ability to think, but come on, Plax, how can you be this much of a delinquent? He and D-Wade should go in business together — they’d be perfect partners. Meanwhile the Player’s Union is working to recoup a million dollar bonus Plax lost from the Giants. Go figure.
(via Deadspin)