Rex Ryan was recently photographed catching some rays by the pool with his shirt off while vacationing in the Bahamas. I know what you’re thinking, but give the guy a break. He’s lost a ton of weight so he has nothing to be ashamed of — except maybe the tattoo he has on his right arm of what appears to be his wife wearing a Mark Sanchez jersey.
While our initial reaction when we heard the rumor was that this has to be some sort of photoshop job, we’re confident that is not the case since the photo was taken by NY Daily News photographer Andrew Theodorakis. Also, I don’t think there’s anyone in the world clever enough to make something like that up. And to top it all off, we already know Rex has one ridiculous tattoo.
ESPN’s Rachel Nichols shared the photo on Twitter:
Rex Ryan’s tattoo – if you’ve had trouble w/the link, here’s the NY Daily News pic…
— Rachel Nichols (@Rachel__Nichols) January 4, 2013
Worse yet, Ryan’s wife appears to be Tebowing in the Sanchez jersey. That could be a coincidence (especially if he got the tattoo before the Jets acquired Tim Tebow), but it still adds to the hilarity.
Now it all makes sense. We know Rex loves his wife (see: foot fetish) and before the end of this season we heard his constant reassurances that he would stick with Sanchez. Don’t be surprised if he does the same heading into next season. Otherwise, he’d have to accept that the tattoo is outdated.