If not for the fact that it was ruled an illegal forward pass, the trick play Riley Cooper and the Philadelphia Eagles nearly pulled off during their game against the New Orleans Saints on Monday night would have been one of the most unique in NFL history. As you can see from the video below, Cooper laid down and camouflaged himself in the Saints end zone logo before popping up and taking a lateral from teammate Brandon Boykin 93 yards for a touchdown.
Unfortunately, the officiating crew ruled that Boykin’s pass actually went forward. The play was called back, but it’s still amazing that the Saints appear to have not even seen Cooper — as evidenced by the fact that no player was near him when he caught the ball.
Crazy trick plays in football games are nothing new, but kudos to the Eagles for nearly scoring a touchdown on one that — to my knowledge — we have never seen during an NFL game. You could also argue that it proves how desperate the Eagles are. After losing to New Orleans, Andy Reid and company are now beyond desperate.