Samuel L. Jackson never met a script he didn’t like. Perhaps then it’s no surprise to see him pimping the Atlanta Falcons in a commercial for their ticket sales department despite Jackson being born in D.C, growing up in Chattanooga, and living in Los Angeles. I guess his ties to the Falcons come from his days at Morehouse College in Atlanta. Regardless of how Rev. Sultan swung this gig, it’s pretty amusing and worth watching. Check out this Samuel L. Jackson Atlanta Falcons commercial via The Sporting Rave and Jimmy Traina’s Hot Clicks:
If that video does not make you want to buy Falcons tickets, then nothing will. Right on, Rev.
Samuel L. Jackson Wants Atlanta Falcons Fans to Rise Up [The Sporting Rave]
Samuel L. Jackson rallies Falcons fans [SI Hot Clicks]
Video Credit: BigDawgJP