Super Bowl Official Holiday?
According to an article passed along to me by the legendary John Ramey that appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle,
“In North Carolina, four men are collecting signatures for a petition that would seek national-holiday status for the Super Bowl.”
 This is bleepin’ brilliant! Â
Seriously, it’s news items like this that make you wonder what we’ve been thinking the past 40 years.Â
“That official day off would be observed on a Monday, in the grand American tradition of the three-day weekend — and in recognition of the debilitating Sunday excess of unhealthy food, strong beverage, televised sporting violence, relentless commercialism and not a small amount of gambling. No need to call in sick if the office is closed.”
If you are a man, and you are not in favor of this, you need to relocate your nut sack. If you are a woman, and you are not in favor of this, you need a man in your life. Â
To join the cause, visit and sign the petition.Â