The NFL used to consist of a tough bunch of teams and players who would bite off your balls if that’s what it took to make a statement. Get in my way and see what happens. That’s right, I’m talking to you.
Now, it seems as if the wimps have won. You know, the fruity loops who couldn’t play — not even in the second and third grade — because they might break their glasses and their mommies would make a scene. Instead, those guys became lawyers. Now, they rule the NFL.
They canceled a game in Philly, for what? Because of snow? Are you kidding me? Some of the greatest games in history have been played in the snow. The players love it. The fans love it. Slip and slide and see where you end up.
Apparently, though, tough s#%t for them. Who do they think they are? The lawyers worry about liability.
America, where the NFL reigns supreme, land of freely kicking ass, you are doomed. People get ready. There’s a train a coming. Don’t ask questions, just get on board. Like good little lambs. Baa.
Too bad. But you can’t say you don’t get what you deserve.
Photo Credit: Drew Hallowell/Getty Images