Over the weekend I was alerted to the news that Oakland Raiders DT Warren Sapp had lost nearly 50 pounds, thanks to the omniscient Michael David Smith at the spectacular AOL FanHouse. I couldn’t really believe the news — for several reasons. First, when you think about how much 50 pounds really is, that would be like Warren Sapp shitting out a kindergardner. On top of that, Sapp is already old, on his last football legs, and wouldn’t appear to me as a guy who had much incentive to lose weight for playing purposes. You know, that’s something I always thought was reserved for young guys who actually cared about being in shape. Well, apparently Sapp truly regrets stealing money from the Raiders all these years, and he’s dropped the LBs to prove it. Check out the pics of the model-thin Sapp:
Dude totally dropped his gut. He’s not even fat. He looks tremendous. And man, I have to say I am quite impressed, not to mention pleased. I mean if I didn’t know better, I would say that’s not even the same person. That’s crazy.