PuppyMonkeyBaby. PuppyMonkeyBaby. PuppyMonkeyBaby. PuppyMonkeyBaby. PuppyMonkeyBaby. PuppyMonkeyBaby. PuppyMonkeyBaby.
Say it with me, PuppyMonkeyBaby.
Puppy Monkey Baby Mountain Dew commercial lol wat? pic.twitter.com/zi5t0sUkd7
— ⓂarcusD (@_MarcusD_) February 8, 2016

Mountain Dew had this commercial that definitely had an impact on viewers. Regardless of whether or not you like puppies, monkeys or babies, the commercial had a jingle catchy enough to get you to remember it. Isn’t that half the point of a commercial? Well done Mountain Dew. Doritos and Mountain Dew killing the commercials early.