KABC in Los Angeles must have some pretty stupid people working at the station, because they let a prank caller by the name of “Louis Slungpue” on the air during their live coverage of the UCLA flood, and they didn’t even realize they had screwed up until the caller said the cause of the flood was someone taking a large dump. Seriously.
Don’t ask me how someone posing as “Louis Slungpoo” didn’t set off any alarms among the call screeners. Don’t ask me why they thought it would be totally normal for a DWP spokesperson to just call in on their own. Don’t ask me why the anchors and producers didn’t figure out they’d been “had” when the prank caller suggested some college students started the pipe break by dropping a cherry bomb down the toilet.
I can’t answer any of that.

But it was pure gold when, upon being asked about what led to the water main breaking, Slungpoo answered, “We’re in the investigation phase. Either a cherry bomb or someone took a really large dump.”
And the best part? The anchor’s totally serious response.
“Are you sure about that?”
Yes, we’re pretty sure about that. You’ve been had by someone slinging poo. Seriously, how dumb does ABC7 have to feel about allowing this graphic to appear on their TV screen: