A group of middle school students from Kenosha, Wisc. walked off the court during a game this week to confront several bullies who were poking fun at a member of their cheerleading squad.
The cheerleader, Lincoln Middle School eighth grader Desiree Andrews, has Down syndrome. When Miles Rodriguez, Scooter Terrien and Chase Vazquez realized Andrews was being picked on from the stands, they halted play to stand up for her.
“The kids in the audience were picking on D,” Vazquez told TMJ 4. “So we all stepped forward.”

Andrews described the actions of her friends as “sweet, kind, awesome and amazing.” The team has dedicated its gymnasium to Desiree, referring to it as “D’s House.” The athletic director of Lincoln Middle School is planning to make a banner that says “D’s House” to hang inside the gym.
Taking time out from a game to stand up for a fellow student who is being mistreated is an incredibly mature thing to do. There are plenty of adults who could not say they would do the same. Bravo to those three players.