Boston radio host Michael Felger ranted Wednesday in response to the Boston Globe’s account of the Red Sox’s collapse this year. While he was ranting, he mentioned an old rumor about NESN reporter Heidi Watney and Red Sox catcher Jason Varitek. Watney heard about the rumor and defended herself with a few tweets.
“If Felger was ever in the clubhouse he might be able to talk about the team with some knowledge rather than just repeating rumors. Felger is completely off base on just about everything he is saying. Ridiculous and irresponsible.”
Watney went against company policy by commenting on the rumor, and the story grew once she sent her tweets. Watney went on The Sports Hub’s morning show to further defend herself.
“In the assassination of just about everyone’s character that’s involved remotely with the Red Sox these days, it seems, he brought my name in the mix and a rumor that I was linked to when I first got into town,” Watney said, “Which, by the way, is not true.”
“It’s not only hurting to hear rumors about yourself that (are) not true, years later, after the rumor even came about, but also to hear someone say ‘Oh you can’t even call yourself a reporter.’”
Watney said she’s never met Felger, never seen him in the clubhouse or at Fenway Park.
“It was just really upsetting to me,” she said.
Watney admitted that it was a bad decision to respond to Felger by sending the tweets because that spread the negative information. She’s right; if she hadn’t responded, only the people listening to the show at that time would have heard about it.
Take note: sometimes ignoring a rumor is the best approach.
Thanks to Sports by Brooks Live for the heads up