Mike Trout and wife Jessica announced on Saturday the birth of their new baby son, whose name has some special meaning.
The Los Angeles Angels star was placed on paternity leave on Thursday, July 30. On Saturday, Mike and Jessica posted a photo of their baby son, Beckham Aaron Trout, who was born on July 30 at 5:10 pm.
Our greatest gift from above • we are so in love!
Meet our sweet boy, Beckham Aaron Trout July 30, 2020 • 5:10pm • 7lb 10oz • 20.75in pic.twitter.com/yn2wqndT1U
— Mike Trout (@MikeTrout) August 1, 2020
You might not think anything special about the name, except you might wonder whether the Trouts are big fans of Odell or David Beckham. But there is special meaning to the baby boy’s middle name.
Beckham shares the name Aaron with Jessica’s late younger brother, who was also Mike’s best friend. Aaron Cox was drafted by the Angels in 2015 and committed suicide in 2018 at the age of 24.
In his first game after Aaron’s death in 2018, Trout wore Aaron’s name on the back of his jersey.
Mike Trout honored his late brother-in-law Aaron Cox in his first game since August 1 … and then did this. pic.twitter.com/SnhbaCL53Y
— ESPN (@espn) August 25, 2018
When Mike and Jessica announced in March that she was pregnant, she noted that her due date was right before her brother’s birthday, and that they were having a boy.
From my due date being 2 days before my brother’s birthday, to finding out we’re having a boy — God truly works in mysterious ways! We sure miss you Aaron Joseph, I can already feel you smiling down on this sweet little boy & we can’t wait to tell him all about his Uncle Aaron!
— Jessica Tara Trout (@JessTara) March 3, 2020
Aaron Cox remains a big part of their lives. It’s no coincidence their son’s middle name is the same as his first name.