Can someone please explain to me why people are now coming out of the woodwork to brag about having men’s faces tattooed on their bodies? Having an insane tattoo like this one or this one is one thing, but personally I think tattoos of men’s faces on a man’s body crosses the line. Apparently there are plenty of people who disagree, because the picture of this Kobe Bryant fan’s leg tattoo is insanely detailed. Check it out:

It doesn’t matter if it’s LeBron James on your leg, Brett Keisel on your forearm, or Dirk Novitzki on your ass. This has to stop. These may be your heroes, but it’s still a man’s face and it’s permanently attached to your body. Think about what you’re doing. Actually, don’t — these are the type of people that injure themselves when they think.
Chest bump to’s Eye on Basketball for the picture.