A friend who used to work with Sarah Jones on the Ben-Gals cheerleader team says the 26-year-old former English teacher is nothing like the way she has been portrayed by the media.
Lindsay Vaughn is a former Bengals cheerleader who spoke to “Today Show” about Jones, who is facing criminal charges for sexually abusing a student and unlawful use of electronic means to induce a minor to engage in sexual activities.
Vaughn described Jones as a “smart, Christian girl” who “doesn’t drink, doesn’t party … probably totally opposite of what you think of when you think of an NFL glamorous hot cheerleader.”
However, when Vaughn was pressed about the evidence against Jones, she said she didn’t want to know or think about it.
Jones and her mother, Cheryl, who is charged with tampering with evidence in the case, are asking for a higher bond to restore the original conditions so they could be in contact with the alleged victim’s family. They have each pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Photo Credit: Jonathan Brownfield-US PRESSWIRE