Maryland’s Uniforms Are Ugliest in College Football, Hands Down
We’ve talked about some pretty ugly uniforms here at LBS. We had the nasty ones the Broncos wore two years ago, those disgusting military unis Oregon had, and Utah’s nasty camo unis. But nothing, and I mean nothing, compares to the ugliness that is the Maryland outfits. Even Oregon thinks these are gross:

That is the same uniform right there, not two separate ones. It’s like looking at Two Face from Batman or something. Maybe it was free uniform night at Medieval Times. Either way, I am not feeling those uniforms.
Keep in mind those bad boys were designed by Under Armour whose founder played football for Maryland. He’s evidently trying to turn them into the Oregon of the ACC. The team has 32 uniform combinations and they’re designed to match Maryland’s state flag, but they’ve generate one constant reaction: UGLY.
Even the bastion of fashion that is LeBron James thought they were nasty, writing on Twitter “OH GOSH! Maryland uniforms Ewwwwww!”
Also see: Ugliest Throwback Jerseys all-time
Picture Credits: Maryland Terps on Twitter, Jose3030 on Twitter