Don’t get excited. Tom Brady didn’t get a haircut. He still has the same long, flowing locks he’s had since the beginning of the season. However, it’s time to face the facts, folks — Brady no longer has the Justin Bieber haircut.
It may be fun to rag on Tom for looking like a pretty boy and toting around his super model wife’s tiny dog, but it’s time to let the Justin Bieber comparisons go. Take it from one who knows. I’m not proud of it by any stretch of the imagination, but I grew my hair out for a short period of time back in high school and it too was in the Justin Bieber phase at one point.
You see, everyone that grows their hair out hits what most call the “awkward phase” during the growth period. It’s that point where the hair is kind of matted down against your forehead and over your ears and not quite long and flowing like a female’s, which — sadly — seems to be the goal. The cut that Bieber has become famous for is permanently in the “awkward phase.” That’s the Biebs’ style. Brady has gotten beyond it.
Look at the above photos. The similarities are all but gone. We can still crap all over Brady for flipping his hair to the side and looking like a feminine little pansy on the sidelines. Justin Bieber can rap about it all he wants, but the truth of the matter is the two hairstyles are no longer the same.