Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck was downright hard to look at down the stretch of the 2014 season and into the playoffs. The Pro Bowler had one of the most unkempt and ratty beards you will ever see. The beard is now gone, but an important section of facial hair remains.
Luck could no longer house a family of birds in his face, but he still has a mustache.
But has Hayne met Andrew Luck? pic.twitter.com/gLtClXRvnN
— WYE (@jwyeNFL) March 3, 2015

Is that an improvement? If you don’t think so, perhaps you should be reminded of how out of control Luck’s beard can get. His girlfriend — who happens to be very easy on the eyes — has to see that as progress.
H/T Busted Coverage
Photo via @gregprichard