Miko Grimes after making racist comment: ‘The media is the problem’
Stop us if you’ve heard this before: Miko Grimes is not backing down from some incredibly offensive remarks she made on Twitter.
Grimes, the outspoken wife of Tampa Bay Buccaneers cornerback Brent Grimes, told JoeBucsFan.com on Monday that her commentary and anything else a family member of a player says should be ignored. In other words, Grimes blames the media for making a big deal out of her controversial and, at times, racist remarks.
“The media is the problem. They make things stories so they get clicks,” Grimes said. “They are the one’s that want the fame. They wanna be famous for writing the story that got the most clicks even if it’s not really a story at all. They tell you to be offended in the title usually. It’s brainwashing at its best!”
When she was on her best behavior during Brent’s tenure with the Miami Dolphins, Miko created awkwardness in the locker room by bashing Ryan Tannehill. When she was at her worst, she essentially threatened to kill a reporter who covers the team. On Monday, Miko made a racist comment about the Dolphins’ front office group. You can read that tweet here.
Rather than apologize, Grimes compared the comments she made to something Johnny Manziel’s father recently said about his son.
“I get harassed for saying [Ryan] Tannehill is a bum but Johnny Manziel’s dad can say he’s a junkie and he hopes he gets arrested so he doesn’t end up dead, and he’s praised!” she said. “What if those comments from his dad are the ones that sent Johnny over the edge?
“What I’m hearing is this: If you say something the media likes and it fits their narrative (Johnny [Football] is a junkie) then whoever agrees gets praised. But if you say things that don’t fit their narrative (Ryan Tannehill is a bum) you are called a cancer and your husband should lose his job. How come Johhny’s dad isn’t a cancer? What kinda father writes those things about his son? Why not help him or talk to him privately?”
Miko was referring to Manziel’s father saying that he fears for the free agent quarterbacks’s life and that Johnny would be safer if he ended up in jail. Manziel’s dad was clearly desperate to call attention to his son, who is struggling with addiction.
The Bucs are owned by a Jewish family, so they may have also been offended by what Miko said on Twitter Monday. One person who wasn’t shy about ripping her is Jay Glazer of FOX Sports.
Of course, Miko responded to that by telling Glazer off with a crude comment. Glazer unloaded on her even further after that.
“Your husband spilled blood out there, NOT YOU! He’s the one who worked his ass, I saw his work ethic first-hand,” Glazer wrote on Twitter. “Your attention-whore antics only makes a great player undesirable, which is a disservice to your whole family and his legacy. Great player w/ a wife who just won’t shut the f– up and let the man do what he’s meant to do. Once again, signed his ‘Jew buddy’ who got him trained in MMA in Atlanta when he first shined.”
Whether she likes it or not, Miko’s antics reflect poorly on Brent. If she was just another idiot spouting off on Twitter and had no connection to an NFL team, no one would care — she’s right about that. But she’s in a unique situation, and that makes it difficult to look past racist and ignorant remarks.