If you feel like puking today, you’re in luck. We are only one week into the NFL regular season and already fans have begun recording themselves doing incredibly disgusting things to show their allegiance to their team. The gentleman you see above, who was called to our attention by our friends at DC Sports Bog, lost a bet when the Washington Redskins fell to the Philadelphia Eagles on Monday night. As a result, he had to eat some of his own beard.
“I had to eat some of my own beard cuz the redskins lost yesterday,” Washington fan Jason Pickar wrote on Twitter Tuesday.
That was tough to watch, but it would have been much worse if he had to eat someone else’s beard. Elsewhere in this crazy nation, a Houston Texans fan took it 37 steps further just to prove he is not all talk. When the Texans trailed the San Diego Chargers on Monday night by 21 points, the maniac you see below told the football Gods he would drink his own piss if his team came back. Then Philip Rivers happened. Via Deadspin:
Had it not been for a blown call by the officials that resulted in a touchdown, that bro may not have tasted his own urine. Stop the madness, people. There are still 15 games to go. Pace yourselves.
H/T @recordsANDradio