I’m not going to lie, I was starting to develop a thing for Michelle Beadle. It took me a while to get on board, but I was definitely getting there. She may not be the hottest sports media talent going (see Kristina Akra and Jenn Brown), but she does a better job of making me think she knows her stuff and cares about sports. That has to give her at least one point, right? If you can ignore how annoying Colin Cowherd is, you actually start to enjoy watching Beadle.
Anyway, it turns out none of that matters at the moment because Michelle is off the market. One of The Big Lead’s readers did some top-notch investigative journalism — using what else but Twitter — and figured out that Beadle and Barnaby were at the same youth hockey tournament in Buffalo on Monday. The tournament was for Barnaby’s son.
In case the Twitter connection isn’t enough for you, Beadle admitted to the Big Lead that the two are dating, have been for six months, and ESPN has known about it since last Fall. If that’s the case, they’ve done a great job of keeping their business under wraps for quite some time. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say good for you, Matt Barnaby — you found yourself an attractive girl who actually likes and is knowledgeable about sports. They’re out there, but very difficult to find.