War Machine was captured by US Marshals and Simi Valley police without incident Friday after they found him at an extended stay hotel, a week after his alleged assault against porn star Christy Mack.
The Marshals’ investigation indicated that War Machine, real name Jonathan Koppenhaver, was in Simi Valley, Calif., which is his hometown. Here’s an official statement:
Further investigation revealed he was staying at the Extended Stay America Hotel located at 2498 Stearns Street in Simi Valley. Simi Valley Officers along side United States Marshals pinpointed his exact room and arrested him without incident.
Inside the room was a small quantity of cash and some pizza. The United States Marshal’s Service turned Mr. Koppenhaver over to the Simi Valley Police Department for booking on his warrant from Nevada. He was transported to the Ventura County Jail.

War Machine is facing seven counts for his alleged assault on Mack, which took place last Friday morning. Mack posted horrifying photos of the aftermath of the beating she received.
[Also see: War Machine joked about killing Christy Mack if they broke up]
Mack said in a statement on Monday that War Machine broke up with her in May and showed up at her home unannounced last Friday. She says she was with a friend who was fully clothed and unarmed, and she says War Machine began beating the man. The other man has been identified as Corey Thomas. After letting the man go, Mack says War Machine began beating her. Mack says War Machine punched her, kicked her, and broke at least 18 bones in her body during the incident. She says she escaped when he went to the kitchen, presumably looking for a bigger knife. She fled and began knocking on neighbors’ doors until one finally let her in and called 911.
War Machine tweeted his side of the story and said he had an engagement ring he was going to present to Mack. He claimed he was acting in self-defense and fought for his life. He also said he went on the run because he did not think he would get a fair shake from law enforcement/courts. War Machine’s brother says War Machine caught Mack having sex with Thomas and that Mack pulled a knife.