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#pounditWednesday, September 11, 2024

Indians will not trade Mike Aviles while daughter battles leukemia


The Cleveland Indians have received trade inquiries for Mike Aviles leading up to the trade deadline, but the veteran infielder is currently off-limits. That has less to do with his ability and more to do with his current family situation.

Aviles’ 4-year-old daughter Adriana was diagnosed with leukemia back in May. She is currently receiving treatment at Cleveland Clinic, and the Indians don’t want to present Aviles with any more obstacles during a difficult time.

Earlier this season, Indians players shaved their heads to show support for Adriana and the Aviles family.

We all know professional sports can be a business where little to no loyalty is shown, but kudos to the Indians for handling this the right way. Much like the Cincinnati Bengals did with Devon Still and his daughter, the team has put the interests of a player and his family ahead of its own.

Photo via Mike Aviles/Twitter


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