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#pounditFriday, June 28, 2024

LeBron James gives neighbors cupcakes for putting up with media frenzy

LeBron James cupcakes

Just four years ago, LeBron James was being crucified for holding “The Decision,” a 1-hour televised show where he announced he would be leaving the Cleveland Cavaliers for the Miami Heat. Many considered the show to be a massive PR blunder, and James later admitted it was a mistake.

Four years later, LeBron is showing that he has become a master of public relations.

Not only did LeBron announce his decision to return home to Cleveland in a heartfelt essay published by Sports Illustrated, but he also gave cupcakes to his neighbors to apologize for the media frenzy in the neighborhood due to speculation over his announcement.

LeBron James cupcakes note

“Dear Friend. We know things have been hectic in our neighborhood these past few weeks and we are sorry for the chaos. We are so thankful to live in this wonderful community and we are so blessed to have understanding neighbors like you.”

The names of the cupcakes had a basketball theme, too: one was a “Just A Kid From Akron Cherry Cola” cupcake, and the other was “Homecourt Chocolate Chunk.”

Remember we told you all about that “just a kid from Akron” branding LeBron was doing? None of it is an accident. His new PR people are incredible.

Photos via Twitter/JonCheyney
h/t Darren Rovell


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