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#pounditSunday, June 23, 2024

Miami Heat player who is ‘very taken’ reportedly having an affair

Miami-Heat-huddleThe Miami Heat have their hands full with the Indiana Pacers after dropping Game 4 on Tuesday night to even the Eastern Conference Finals at 2-2. Thanks to a gossip story from Lesley Abravanel of The Miami Herald, they could soon be dealing with some off-court drama as well.

According to Abravanel, a “spy” informed the Herald that a Heat player who is in a relationship has been sneaking off to an apartment complex after home games and having an affair. Since we don’t want to add any speculation of our own, here is the exact report:

We hear that a very taken Miami Heat player is having an affair with someone who lives in the King Cole condo in North Beach. Says our spy, ‘He’s there around midnight after every home game.’ Our spy isn’t exaggerating. According to security, this player has repeatedly shown up at midnight and after asking for a particular woman’s apartment. The thing is, that woman is not his significant other. Girlfriend shouldn’t be too shocked considering that not too long ago she was the one with whom her beloved baller was sneaking around.”

While we have certainly learned over the years that b.s. reports can come from absolutely anywhere, this particular story is not from some fly-by-night gossip website. Whether the information is accurate or not, people are going to take note of it since it has been printed on The Miami Herald’s website. Interpret it as you wish.


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