Middle Schooler gets in trouble for Matt Bonner haircut (Picture)
Middle school student Patrick Gonzalez is a huge Spurs fan. With the Spurs gearing up for what could be one last legitimate title run, there’s no better time than now to get a haircut that supports your favorite player. As you can see from the photo above that KABB-TV in San Antonio shared with us, that player is Matt Bonner for Gonzalez.
Gonzalez got an amazing haircut of Bonner that shows him getting ready to jack up a three, but there’s one problem: He may not be able to keep it. Woodlake Hills Middle School believes the haircut is a “distraction.”
“My 1st period teacher called the principal,” Gonzalez explained. “She told her it was a distraction.”
Distraction? For how long? Kids are easily enthused at times, but I’m pretty sure they’d be over the haircut after two minutes of crowding around and saying “whoaaaa look at that!” It’s not like they’d be staring at it for a week and get no work done. Gonzalez’s mother, Rose, says she is upset because she asked for permission first.
“I didn’t want any kind of problems with any of the principals,” she said. “I know there are rules and regulations anywhere else you go.”
Rose says she went into the school office to ask about it, but school officials insist they were aware of it but never gave her the go-ahead. Patrick says he is upset but he intends to shave the design off. The school has said he will be suspended if he does not shave it off, but Rose has told Patrick to get a letter from the school before he does anything.
The things schools worry about these days are unbelievable.