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#pounditThursday, December 19, 2024

Oscar de la Hoya: I Was Unfaithful to My Wife, But Not Like Tiger Woods (Video)

Back in May, Oscar De La Hoya shocked many throughout the boxing world when he admitted to having a drug problem and entered a rehabilitation program.  His drug and alcohol problems reminded many loyal fans that it can sometimes be impossible to tell what goes on outside of the public eye.

On Wednesday, Univision TV released an interview during which De La Hoya opened up about his substance abuse problems and relationship with his wife, among other things.  One portion of the interview that struck me as strange came around the 1:20 mark, when Oscar admits to cheating on his wife but notes that he is not on the same level as Tiger Woods.  Check out the Oscar De La Hoya drug addiction interview, courtesy of Sports Grid:

Don’t get me wrong, I respect De La Hoya for opening up about his struggle and getting himself the help he needed.  I realize the part about being unfaithful to his wife is a small portion of the interview, but something about referencing Tiger Woods rubbed me the wrong way.  Sure, Tiger Woods went on a path of destruction when it comes to infidelity, but does it make you a better person to have cheated less times with less women?  Probably not the best way Oscar could have gone about discussing that dark spot in his life.


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