If Bengals cheerleader Sarah Jones is hoping her reputation will improve when those close to her come forward and defend her, she had better start forumlating another plan. The 26-year-old former cheerleader is facing criminal charges for sexually abusing a student and unlawful use of electronic means to induce a minor to engage in sexual activities. For her sake, I hope Jones’ attorney can string together a few character witnesses to give stronger testimonies than the ones we’ve already heard.
According to WPTV in Cincinnati, Jones’ ex-husband Nathan Wilburn spoke about the charges against her in an interview earlier this week. While he said he is hopeful that nothing happened, he hasn’t exactly ruled it out.
“Of course I don’t want my wife to be guilty of having sexual relations with a young boy,” Wilburn said on “Inside Edition” Monday night. “I go back and forth every day as far as whether I feel it’s true or not true.”
Jones is out of jail on bond and her trial is scheduled for June 27. Wilburn was her high school sweetheart and husband of less than a year after she filed for annulment in 2012. A few weeks ago, one of Sarah’s friends described her as a “smart, Christian girl” but would not say whether or not she believed she was guilty. The fact that two people who are close to Jones leave the possibility open that she could have done something like this says quite a bit, in my opinion.