Canucks Fan Who Flashed Ben Eager Embarrasses True Female Fans
The female Canucks fan who flashed Sharks winger Ben Eager by pressing her Sedins against the penalty box glass Wednesday night has created quite the buzz on the internet. Hundreds of thousands of people rushed to the ebays to get a glimpse of the fan’s goodies which were shown on CBC’s live Hockey Night in Canada telecast. Unsurprisingly, the display of nudity was met with very little resistance given that most hockey fans are males who love breasts. In fact, the CBS head of media relations said “We received a small (very small) number of emails about it.”
But just because most of the hockey fan base is male and enjoyed the free show, it doesn’t mean there weren’t some offended parties.
Katie Maximick of Canucks Hockey Blog wrote Friday:
Flashing on national TV is embarrassing, not only for women watching the game, but for Vancouver fans in general.
It’s hard enough for us girls to be taken seriously by male fans without stuff like this taking place. It’s an uphill battle, and for us flashing goes hand-in-hand with puck bunnies, not fans.
You’ve embarrassed many female Canucks fans with this move, and I hope folks across the league don’t associate your trashy behaviour with the rest of us.
Maximick did a fantastic job delineating her point and it’s tough for her to be accepted as a hardcore fan when drunk women like that are setting her back. Understandably, she wasn’t the only female who felt that way.
“This is classic taunting behaviour within the model of a what we call a female chauvinist pig,” Catherine Murray, chairman of Simon Fraser University’s department of gender, sexuality and women’s studies, told QMI Agency.
A female chauvinist pig? That’s a first, but I understand where they’re coming from and empathize with their plight.
And in case you have no idea what happened, here’s a video of how the flashing went down.
Photo Credit: RICH LAM/Getty Images