Novak Djokovic Pulls off Nut Shot Prank on Reporter Jean-René Dufort (Video)
It has been quite a while since we’ve featured a nut shot video here on LBS. Those of you who enjoy them can thank the jokester of tennis, Novak Djokovic, for inspiring us to bring them back. On the court, Djokovic is known for being one of the best tennis players in the world. He is equally famous off the court, entertaining people with his hilarious impressions and quirky antics. Canadian reporter Jean-René Dufort became Djokovic’s latest victim recently after he was on the receiving end of a Jimmy tap. Check out the Novak Djokovic nut tap on a reporter video, courtesy of Deadspin via YouTube user TCtenniscanada:
The video would not be nearly as funny if Djokovic didn’t enjoy it so much. It became hilarious for me when I realized how hilarious Novak thought it was. Nothing wrong with being your own biggest fan.