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#pounditWednesday, June 26, 2024

Bradley Beal looks completely checked out during Sunday’s Wizards game

Bradley Beal checked out

Washington Wizards guard Bradley Beal doesn’t really look like he’s trying to hide how frustrated and displeased he is with the team right now.

Beal’s body language during Sunday’s game against the Brooklyn Nets was downright brutal, with the star guard looking both frustrated and completely checked out. The frustration came early in the game, when the Wizards fell behind 23-9 early and Beal couldn’t hide his anger when retrieving the basketball after Jeff Green glided through the lane for a slam dunk with little resistance from Washington’s defense.

Beal seemed pretty much done after that. At one point, he was observed sitting alone during a timeout on the fringes of the huddle, away from his teammates.

A compilation of Beal’s first half “highlights” pretty much tells the story, with some of the worst body language you’ll ever see from a professional athlete. In addition to the aforementioned moments, he can be seen essentially standing at the three-point line doing nothing else on multiple offensive possessions, then snubbing his teammates’ high-fives on the way to the bench prior to a timeout.

The Wizards are 3-12 and going nowhere fast, and Beal has looked completely defeated for a few games now. Coach Scott Brooks has said definitively that the team is not remotely interested in trading the guard, but if displays like this become the norm, they may not have a choice.


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