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#pounditFriday, February 7, 2025

Delonte West made wild claims in troubling arrest video

Delonte West

Delonte West was arrested last week outside a police station in Florida, and police have released body camera footage of the incident.

Officers responded after West went to the Boynton Beach Police Department building last Tuesday and began yelling and banging on the glass doors. He was holding an open can of beer and open bottle of vodka. The former NBA star was arrested after he did not cooperate with police.

On Monday, TMZ released footage from the arrest. West was shown handcuffed on the ground spewing incoherent thoughts. He repeatedly said he is the President of the United States and insulted the officers, who told him they wanted to get him help. The 38-year-old claimed he came to the police station because he was being jumped.

At one point, West began talking about his basketball career and said he was better than LeBron James and Michael Jordan.

“N—-, I was better than LeBron James. I’m better than Jordan,” West shouted at police. “I was the best n—- to play every sport. Shut the f— up!”

West was charged with resisting an officer without violence, disorderly intoxication and having an open container. He is set to appear in court next month.

West has a history of mental health and substance abuse issues. Mavericks owner Mark Cuban helped locate him last year after West was spotted panhandling in the Dallas area. Cuban set West up with a rehab treatment program, and West was said to be doing well as of earlier this year.

In 2019, West refused to accept assistance after a video showed him fighting someone in the middle of the freeway. He is clearly in need of help once again.